Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Even Construction Sites Have Beauty

I work all over the place.  I usually limit it to a certain area (I try to keep it all in the Montgomery County area) but even doing that can send me all over the place.  I go to one place in Rockville pretty often.  When I'm assigned there, I park a few blocks away (mostly so I can get my steps in, thank you fit bit).  I have to walk past an area that looks like an abandoned construction site.  I'm not sure what they were planning to do there but nothing has been going on for a few years.  It's mostly concrete and weeds.

I was walking past the weeds and noticed that some were quite beautiful.  There were a bunch of these mostly white flowers with just a hint of purplish-pink on the petals.

I have no idea what this thing is and in truth, it photographed better than it appeared.  But it's really cool looking - especially with the rain drops on it.

I love morning glories.  They're just so....happy.  They bloom every morning as if to say "your day may suck but look at me!  I'm beautiful!"  And they're right.

It was a dreary day out but they little rain drops on the flowers just added to their beauty.  It all just worked for me.

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